5 Essential Security Measures for Canada Day Events

Woman standing by Banff lake, wrapped in Canadian flag

Canada Day is a fun day for people to get together with family and friends and enjoy some festivities. Guest and attendees may reflect on what Canada Day means to them, or perhaps they just want to have some fun.

They might not be thinking about security, but that’s where we come in. Let’s look at 5 essential security measures every Canada Day event needs.

1. Screening Guests

Depending on where the event is held, there’s almost always a need to ensure that guests aren’t carrying restricted items, which means they need to be screened. Small, local parties in a public park are one thing. But any larger event requires ensuring guests aren’t bringing anything dangerous that can be used as a weapon.

Be mindful to give yourself additional time before the event, as you may need to pass through a metal detector or be searched by security.

2. Communication

Security will be much easier and faster if there are proper communication channels established in the first place. In other words, people should know in advance what not to bring so the security lines are shorter.

Ideally, you have some type of contact or way of reaching your audience before the event. Let them know about all the fun things to expect the day of and what not to bring.

3. Proximity Cards

Companies or institutions holding a professional event may need to screen security personnel beforehand or have a way of ensuring that all guests are company employees. When it’s a work function, security measures for summer events may require a proximity card or corporate ID.

The nature of the event will dictate who is supposed to attend. If it’s a looser event where employees bring family and friends, you may prefer lanyards for ID cards instead of a card employees must carry on the job.

4. Water and Washrooms

All large events need to be planned to provide the fundamentals to a large number of people. Nothing is more basic than having water to keep them hydrated and somewhere to go when nature calls.

It can even become a security issue if the lines for these things get too long, as it creates bottlenecks that could be a fire hazard. It’s easier to focus on delivering shiny gimmicks or tech tricks, but no event can afford to ignore people’s basic needs.

5. Dress for the Weather

Nobody wants to get sick at any festivities or events. If it’s raining, bring a jacket or umbrella so you don’t catch a cold or stay uncomfortable all day.

Bring sunblock and a wide hat if it’s blue skies and sunny out. You don’t want to get sunstroke. In other words, no matter what the weather is, check the forecast and dress appropriately.

Canada Day can be a joyous time to relax with friends and family and have some fun. Some reflect on everything it means to be a Canadian. However you choose to spend it, connect with the best place to buy security products first to enjoy yourself and stay safe.