Getting the Most Out of Your Student ID Cards

There’s probably no academic institution in operation today that doesn’t employ some type of ID card service. Keeping track of students is more important today than ever before, given the increase in school violence that can be seen in the media in recent years. That’s why you want to be sure that your school remains on the cutting edge of security ID card technology.


There may be more threats in existence today than ever before, but there’s good news too because newer and better prevention methods are in existence today than ever before as well. The best way to ensure that your school has the latest and most effective ID card technology is to call us to see how we can help you select and install a complete ID security card system.


The Changing Technology of Student Cards


Academic ID cards have changed dramatically over the years. At one time, many institutions merely issued cardboard cards with personal information printed upon them. Simple technology like this was extremely prone to forgeries and impostures using the incorrect cards.


Eventually, schools began to incorporate identification photos and laminate coating into their cards. These steps helped to prevent improper use of the cards, made counterfeits more difficult to create, and also helped to protect the cards from damage.


How PVC Cards are Different


The number one aspect that separates the modern student PVC ID cards and proximity cards from student cards that were used in the past is their ability to incorporate a wide range of useful technology. Whereas older laminated cards could only contain the information that could be read on them, PVC cards are extraordinarily versatile, and able to easily accommodate a number of useful technologies, such as:


·         Magnetic Stripe Reading

·         Chip and Pin Reading

·         High-Resolution Printing

·         Contactless Card Reading

·         Holographic Imaging


At Avon Security Products, we offer the most up-to-date products in security hardware, such as HID proximity cards which are manufactured by HID Global, a leading manufacturer.


The Advantage of Digital Data


Many of these more recently developed features have been designed specifically to allow card holders to carry encrypted personal data on their cards. The ability to carry and access personal digital data can provide many advantages that are especially useful in the academic setting.


For example, by holding information about a student’s financial account, their ID cards can be used in school cafeterias to purchase food items or meals. Cards can also be used to access computers, allowing students to carry assignment files or access on-campus printing services.


Accommodating Future Digital Technologies


PVC cards are extremely versatile and affordable, when means that they’ll always remain the top choice for school ID cards because they are guaranteed to continue to accommodate newly developed security technologies in the future. To take full advantage of your security system, the best choice is to purchase the correct number and type of ID card


The most important feature of any ID card system is the capability for better security. Get in touch with us today to bring your school up to date with the most advanced school ID cards available.

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