How to Start a Security ID Card Program

A security ID card program will revolutionize your organization’s ability to protect itself. With such a system, authorized personnel can be verified in seconds, and intruders will be turned away. That being said, starting a security ID card program requires more than a decision to have one. Here is how to get yours started:

Determine what you need your ID security program to accomplish

What technology your security ID card system uses to protect your organization will depend upon your unique needs. Here is how what you will be using your security ID cards for will affect its use:

Door Access

You want every door in your facility, from the front entrance to the last door in the building to be secured. To this end, smart chip and RFID technology are the best options. Both secure the data within your card and allow for quick and easy door access for authorized personnel, while still keeping intruders out.

Vehicle Access

Your security ID card program is an effective tool for managing what vehicles can access your facilities. RFID ID technology, which can be added directly to a vehicle, will send a signal to security checkpoints allowing the vehicle to enter; at the same time, it will not allow anyone who doesn’t have a verified security ID in. This is especially useful for businesses that have a high volume of employees entering or leaving at the same time. Instead of them having to wait for a person or manual terminal to verify their authorization for access, their vehicles can pass through security checkpoints unhindered.

Secure Internal Transactions

A security ID card can be a great tool for completing secured transactions within your organization. For example, if you run a university, your security ID cards can be used by students to make purchases at the school bookstore. In this case, the optimal security feature that you will need is smart chip technology, because this protects the data stored on the card through data encryption, while allowing you to efficiently complete transactions.

Terminal Access

Passwords can be hacked or copied. Once this happens, a data thief with the right resources will have unfettered access to the data on your computer terminals. You can enhance your computer terminals by requiring the use of a security ID card in order to access it. These security ID cards should use encrypted smart chips, which scramble your data so that it is unreadable to anybody until the card is used for access.

Meet Your Needs for Capability

Some ID card systems are incapable of printing smart chip or RFID security ID cards; others are incapable of printing on both sides of a card. You want to make sure that you won’t have any problem addressing all of your needs for your security ID cards, so make sure that your ID card system is capable of doing everything that you need it to. Many ID card system manufacturers offer custom solutions that you can tailor to match your needs.

Meet Your Needs for Volume

If you run a university with 20,000 students, then a security ID card system that only produces 500 cards per day just won’t work. Make sure that the ID card system that you invest in is capable of exceeding your need for ID card volume — especially if you will be printing a new batch of cards regularly, as in the case of a university.

Now you’re ready to protect your organization with a security ID card system. Contact us today at Avon Security for more information!

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