Wearing Custom Lanyards: Corporations, Events & Security

Creating brand awareness is something at the top of every company’s objectives. You need to make sure that people know what you do and make sure that your name and logo are the first things that come to customers’ minds when it’s time to make a purchase. This is where custom lanyards can make a big impact on a very small piece of promotional real estate.

Here is a preview about how our products can mean big things for your own business:

Corporate Environments:  If your business is protected by electronic locks or your employees are required to show their badges to access certain areas of your facility, you’ll enjoy our selection of badge accessories that are perfectly made for the corporate environment. Created with the idea of convenience in mind, badge reels and breakaway custom lanyards are ideal for employees who would otherwise become frustrated from the constant fumbling around that could take place. Badge reels are a common favourite among many of our clients because they allow employees to seamlessly move from one location to another without needing to dig for that piece of plastic. Similarly, our lanyards are designed to maintain accessibility throughout the day, especially if they are displayed around employees’ necks. Each of these items free your employees’ hands and improves ease of entry throughout your building.

Keep in mind, that no badge reel design is created equally. Our assortment is diverse enough to suit any staff member’s needs. Many people like the traditional belt clip because it simply slips over the existing belt loops found on slacks and jeans. But what happens if you work in an environment where belt loops aren’t common? Badge reels with clips are perfect for people who wear scrubs and other outfits that don’t come with belt clips. Custom lanyards, of course, are another great alternative because they go perfectly with any outfit!

Events:  Big events and conferences may require badges and tags that need to be on your employees throughout the duration of the show. Our custom lanyards not only make it easy for your staff to keep essential items on hand and easily transportable, but they offer your company the opportunity to be seen by potential customers. After all, attendees of big events are generally interested in the same products, services and industries. Having our custom lanyards displayed where hundreds of other professionals from your area of expertise will be an excellent way to generate brand awareness. 

Custom lanyards make great promo giveaways at events, too. Not only will your own staff benefit from having them on hand, but every other attendee will need a convenient place to store his or her badge and personal information, too. We can help you design lanyards that advertise your company alone or are targeted to specific conferences and events.

Security: What happens when an employee accidentally misplaces his or her badge? If your company’s badges are floating around in the hands of those who shouldn’t have them, your business is being put at a significant risk. Each employee and piece of information housed in your facilities becomes vulnerable when badges are lost.

When it comes to security, custom lanyards serve a dual purpose. To begin with, they help prevent badges and personal information from being misplaced. They can also contain your company’s information, giving them the potential to be returned.

At Avon Security Products, we’re proud to offer a huge assortment of custom lanyards and accessories. Shop our selection today!

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