Secure Your Store: How to Deal with Black Friday Shopping Madness

Two women holding shopping bags getting off an escalator in a mall

Black Friday is one of Canada’s popular holiday sales periods when shoppers flock to stores to secure the best deals and discounted products or services. As retail stores witness stores packed with customers, keeping track of every individual entering and exiting the store can be challenging, increasing the risk of shoplifting. Shoplifting is already a prevalent police-reported crime in Canada, and the violation increased in several provinces between 2020 and 2021.

It’s crucial for your store to maximize security procedures during the Black Friday shopping madness to ensure that your merchandise, employees, and customers remain safe during the busy season. Here are a few things you can do to secure your store. 

Upgrade Security System

If you haven’t updated the security system in your store for a while, it can be beneficial to complete the task before Black Friday. Outdated security will not offer the best service when protecting your store, especially if your system doesn’t include advanced technology and innovative features.

Incorporate a few innovative features during the upgrade, such as smart ID cards, an efficient surveillance system, and security alarms. Taking advantage of the latest technology will protect your store and reduce the theft risk. For example, upgrading your ID card system and using ID badges from Avon Security Products can enhance security at your store. You can embed innovative features, such as watermarks and magnetic stripes, to boost security or provide employees with accessories to encourage them to use their IDs.

Hire Security Personnel

Retail stores are jam-packed during Black Friday, and it can be challenging for sales associates to help customers find products while keeping an eye on shoplifters. So, it can be helpful to hire security personnel that guard the place and ensure that no one leaves with items they didn’t pay for, reducing the risk of potential harm to other customers.

Provide ID Cards to Temporary Employees

Many retail stores hire temporary or seasonal employees during the holidays to keep up with the long list of tasks during the busy season. It’s important that you provide temporary employees with employee ID cards that allow you to identify the new staff members. You can use advanced features, such as magnetic stripes, to designate different levels of security clearance for different cardholders. This will ensure that your permanent employees can access restricted areas while temporary staff members have limited access.

Train Employees About Risks

You cannot secure your store effectively if your employees aren’t familiar with the potential security risks during Black Friday. Before the busy day approaches, take some time to introduce a training program for new employees or refresh your old employees’ memories regarding the risks to avoid. If all employees are aware of the risks and potential methods to handle them, it will be easier for them to take the right approach when they encounter a security threat.

How Avon Security Products Can Help

At Avon Security Products, we offer a wide range of support to help you secure your retail store and handle the madness during Black Friday. Explore our different options and speak to one of our experts if you’re having trouble deciding on the perfect system or accessories for your store.

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