What Should be on an Employee ID Card?

Employee ID cards today are more than just an accessory for identification. Companies of all sizes use ID badges for added security, professionalism, and even branding.


Creating a quality employee ID card is more intricate and competitive than ever. With so many changes to its importance, we ask — what is an employee ID card? And what should be included to make it more effective? Keep reading below to know more.

What is the Main Use of an Employee ID Card?

The employee ID is an accessory used to validate a person’s employment and designation in a company. It also acts as a security badge by restricting or limiting access to company properties. Employees can also use IDs to access members-only perks like discounts and facilities like company lounges.

In addition, wearing company IDs helps showcase branding outside the office, and it establishes the company as a key competitor to others. So most companies invest in professional ID cards to level themselves with higher competitors. Not to mention the free marketing from employees who wear them every day.

Finally, ID cards help encourage professionalism and uniformity in the workplace. Because as everyone knows, ID cards are professional accessories.

Features of an Excellent Employee ID Card

What information should be on an ID card? Which security feature should you use? For a more professional look and adequate security, you need to include these essential ID card components:

ID Card Design

Printing the company logo and calling it a day is not enough for a quality employee ID card. A good ID card design must be smart-looking without seeming too crowded. It also has to follow the company branding by using the same font style and other design elements.

Company Logo

The company logo is an essential aspect of the brand identity, so be sure to let it pop in the employee ID card design. Incorporating your logo allows employees to wear their IDs with pride in and out of the office and showcase that they belong in an established company.

Employee Photo

At the center of the ID card design is the employee photo. A photo must be high-resolution and recognizable to create professionalism and add a layer of security and credibility.

Data Encoding

Companies can choose to equip their ID cards with data encoding features like smart chips, barcodes, magnetic stripes, and RFID technology to store personal information and other data, transforming ID cards into multifunctional tools.

Enhanced Security Features

The perfect ID card should be hard to replicate, which means you need to add more security features like UV printing, watermarks, holographic laminate, and biometric security.


Paper is a big no-no for an ID badge material. A quality employee ID card must use durable and high-quality materials, like PVC or plastic.

Employee Information

An employee ID badge must be complete with name, designation, mobile number, and email address to help create transparency between your employees and their customers. By being transparent, customers will be able to trust your employees better.


Since signatures are hard to duplicate, you can add them to an ID card to complement the photo and validate the person’s membership.

Access Control System

Access control systems help grant employees-only access to company facilities with proximity cards. This type of setup is an excellent addition to an organization’s security by prohibiting outsiders from entering.

Pro Tip

When planning the company ID card, don’t underestimate the importance of the design. It needs to reflect a good image for your company since this is a part of your branding. You can check out other employee ID card templates for design inspiration.

There are numerous benefits to having employee ID badges for your business and even more reasons to update this information annually. Contact Avon Security for helpful information like how to make employee ID card and more!

Printing Your Employee ID Cards? Contact Us Today.

Employee ID badges are now more essential than ever. They provide added security, boost employee professionalism, and showcase the company’s branding outside the office.

For a quality employee ID card, contact us at Avon Security Products. We are a trusted ID wholesaler for identification cards, plastic ID card printers, photo ID systems, and more.

Check us out at Avon Security Products to learn more about ID cards and find out why we’re the biggest ID wholesaler in Canada!

FAQs on Employee ID Card

1. What should be at the back of an employee card?

The back of an ID card should include secondary information like company profile, rules, and core values. You can also add the signature of an employee at the back.

2. Is an employee ID card considered confidential?

Employees should wear IDs at work, and most likely, in front of customers. Sure, the use of an ID badge should be exclusive only to its holder, but they’re not necessarily confidential.

3. What are the things to consider if I will make an employee ID?

The key components of IDs are design, company logo, employee photo, basic information, signature, data encoding, and added security features.

Finally, the right card must be durable. So go for materials like PVC or plastic and never paper.

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